Feldenkrais workshop vrijdag 17 Juni a.s Amersfoort

Op vele verzoek weer een Feldenkrais workshop!
Thema: Schouders nek bovenrug.

Voor wie? Iedereen die interesse heeft in bewustwordingsprocessen door te doen en te ervaren. Alle sporters die zich technisch willen herorganiseren voor meer gemak/souplesse en mogelijkheden in hun sporttak: Aikido, Judo, Golf, Perfect Pilates, Yoga etc.

Feldenkrais laat je bewust ervaren. Door subtiele bewegingen, het gemak op te zoeken krijgt je lichaam en zenuwstelsel weer creatieve mogelijkheden om zich anders te organiseren.
Iedereen heeft wel eens last/ pijn /ongemak. Door bewust te voelen en te ervaren merk je op wat je onnodig aanspant of niet mee laat bewegen. Kortom nieuwsgierig geworden?
Voor velen is het even een moment voor zichzelf, bijtanken en een avondje uit. Iedereen is welkom. ervaring is niet nodig. Inschrijving noodzakelijk aangezien de workshops steeds vol zijn.

Meenemen:Yoga of kampeermatje, grote handdoek.
Extra warme kleren,vestje etc, aangezien je het grootste deel op de grond ligt dus wat sneller afkoelt.
Plaats: Amersfoort. Tijd 19.30-21.30 Gymzaal Guido de Bres, Arnhemse weg 65

Voor contact of inschrijving


Achtergrond info:Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, a physicist, engineer and judo master, pioneered a learning systemDr. Moshe Feldenkraisthat utilizes movement and awareness of self to bring about remarkable changes in the human mind and body.Dr. Feldenkrais was born in Russia in 1904. He left home at age twelve and immigrated to then Palestine. He supported himself during his high school years as a construction worker and as a tutor to failing students. He developed great interest in hypnosis and autosuggestion; learned and taught self-defense techniques; played soccer and was a weight lifter. In his early twenties he moved to Paris, France where he first earned a degree in mechanical and electrical engineering. He continued to earn his Doctor of Science degree in physics, doing pioneering nuclear research with Joliot-Curie.

While in Paris, he met Professor Kano, the creator of modern Judo and the Minister of Education of Japan at the time. Professor Kano chose Dr. Feldenkrais to be trained in his art and subsequently open the first judo club in Paris. During the same years, he joined his wife, a medical student, in studying with her all of her courses.

During World War II, as the Germans were entering Paris, Dr. Feldenkrais escaped to England, where he was recruited by the British Admiralty to serve as a scientific officer. When he suffered a debilitating knee injury, he realized that surgery would not give him a good enough outcome. Instead he began exploring ways to re-educate his brain to move in new ways that work, despite the damage to his knee.

He recovered full functioning and at the same time developed a scientifically based new method. He created hundreds of movement lessons and personalized hands on teaching, based on his understanding of the central nervous system, making it possible for the brain to organize action more effectively; helping people learn throughout life; and consistently make the impossible possible for them.

In the early 1950s he left his position as the head of the Missile Research Unit for the Israeli Army and devoted his time fully to the continued development of his method until his death in 1984.